Zinc is essential for root development and at crop emergence due to it’s role in auxin (growth hormone) synthesis, auxins control the growth of plants by affecting cell and stem elongation. Zn also plays a specific role in flower fertilization and an inadequate supply during seed set could result in a reduction in seeds formed and smaller than normal fruit or grain.
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Guaranteed AnalysisWhyBenefits
Zinc (Zn) |
70% w/v |
700 g/l |
[tab title=”Requirements”]
Zinc Requirements
Zinc is essential for root development and at crop emergence due to it’s role in auxin (growth hormone) synthesis, auxins control the growth of plants by affecting cell and stem elongation. Zn also plays a specific role in flower fertilization and an inadequate supply during seed set could result in a reduction in seeds formed and smaller than normal fruit or grain.
Why Foliar Apply?
- Foliar application provides nutrients for immediate uptake by the leaves or fruits. As a result, the grower is not reliant on the right soil, pH or growing media conditions.
- Foliar sprays also allow the precise application of the right nutrient at the right time, and can be specifically targeted to the leaf or the fruit, to suit the immediate need of the crop.
- A highly concentrated flowable zinc formulation containing 7-10 times more zinc than a typical liquid chelate and 3-4 times that of sulphate or nitrate based liquids. Higher concentration means that application rates are lower and storage, transport and handling are reduced.
- Far easier to use (and containing more zinc) than powder products, Zintrac 700 disperses and mixes quickly and easily in the spray tank without the need for any pre-mixing.
- Zintrac 700 is quickly taken up by the crop, but also has a lasting feeding effect so in many situations fewer applications are required.
- Widely tank mixable, Zintrac 700 can be co-applied with many agrochemicals, allowing easy integration into crop protection programmes and removing the need for specific spray operations saving time and money.
- Formulated for safe application at critical growth stages to satisfy crop requirements.
- Widely tank mixable with other crop sprays.
- Proven, reliable performance. Trialled and tested on a wide range of crops around the world.
- High quality, consistent product. Manufactured to ISO 9001 quality assurance standards.
- Easy to use liquid formulation. Pours and disperses easily and quickly into the spray tank.
- High nutrient content means lower application rates reducing handling time and waste packaging.
For more information on this product, contact Circle R Products Agro Division.