Nachurs MicroBolt Mg


NACHURS MicroBolt Mg® micronutrients are intended for use in a complete crop nutritional program where a soil and/or plant tissue analysis has indicated a magnesium deficiency. NACHURS MicroBolt Mg micronutrients may be applied with NACHURS liquid fertilizers, other liquid fertilizers, fertilizer suspensions, nitrogen solutions, or water.


Guaranteed AnalysisPropertiesApplicationGuidelines


Magnesium (Mg) 0.27
Derived from: potassium hydroxide and magnesium EDTA
EDTA chelated trace element for prevention and correction of micronutrient deficiency.


Weight: 10.6 lbs. per gallon
Specific gravity: 1.27 kg/L
pH: 7.0—8.0
Appearance: slight reddish liquid
Odor: mild odor


High Response Crops: Row 1 Banded 2
corn, small grains, potatoes, beets, tobacco, cotton, cabbage, carrots, celery, cucumbers, melons, squash, snap beans, onions 1—3 2—5
Other Crops:
soybeans, sorghum, tomatoes, turnips, grasses 1—2 2—4

Note: 1 pint of NACHURS MicroBolt Mg micronutrients contain: 0.033 pounds of elemental magnesium.

  1. Row recommendations are intended to provide starter application of magnesium for the current year crop and are not
    expected to correct severe magnesium deficiencies. Additional banded or foliar applications may be necessary to correct severe deficiencies.
  2. Banded generally refers to 2” to the side and 2” below the seed and is usually applied during planting.

These are general product recommendations.
Please consult with your Circle R agronomist for specific fertility recommendations.


For all the above crops including tree fruits, citrus, small fruits, and ornamentals: 1-2 pints/A in minimum 20 gallons of water

1-2 pints/A in minimum 5 gallons of water

NACHURS liquid fertilizer may be used as a carrier at 3-5 gallons per acre. More than one application may be required for severe deficiency.

Note: Foliar fertilization is intended as a supplement to a regular fertilization program and will not by
itself provide all the nutrients normally required by agricultural crops.

NACHURS chelated micronutrients should not be used unless a deficiency is indicated by a soil test and/or tissue analysis, and/or appearance of deficiency symptoms. Optimum rate of application will vary between fields depending on soil pH and organic matter content.


  1. Put 1/3 of water or fertilizer in tank
  2. Add other chemicals (if any)
  3. Fill tank with balance of water or fertilizer
  4. Add correct amount of chelate (shake each container vigorously before use)
  5. Agitate adequately to mix

CAUTION: Check compatibility with orthophosphates, high potash suspensions, and chemical mixtures.


NACHURS chelated micronutrients should not be used unless a deficiency is indicated by a soil test and/or tissue analysis, and/or appearance of deficiency symptoms. Optimum rate of application will vary between fields depending on soil pH and organic matter content.

Seller warrants that the the above product conforms to its chemical description and is reasonably fit for the purpose on the label when used in accordance with directions under normal conditions of use (including normal weather conditions). Neither this warranty nor any other warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, express or implied, extends to the use of this product when used contrary to the label. Instructions or under abnormal conditions (including abnormal weather conditions), and the buyer assumes the risk of any such use. Anchors stater or folia applications are intended to supplement existing soil fertility programs and will not by itself provide all the nutrients normally required by agricultural crops.

These are general product recommendations. Please consult with your Circle R agronomist for specific fertility recommendations.


For more information on this product, contact Circle R Products Agro Division.